Is 8hrs of sleep necessary

Hello, Nithin sir, Hope you are doing well @nithin

I just had a simple question

Now almost all rich people including you are advising to get 8 hours of sleep but I am sure you along with other rich people would have worked very hard without getting proper sleep at your initial stages

What do you advise people like me who want to do big in life?
To get 8 hours of sleep or to work with minimal sleep?


Don’t sleep at all keep hustling bro thats what life is for…


There was a long time when I didn’t sleep much at all, so this might sound a bit hypocritical. :grimacing: But knowing what I know now about health and the fact that today we are living in a constant barrage of information (social media, podcasts, etc.), I will make it a priority to get some sleep—if not 8 hours, as much as I can. Basically, these 8 hours significantly improve the odds of doing well in the remaining 16 hours of the day.


@nithin I have been trading since I turned 18,and chasing money at any cost now after a decade I am feeling that maybe I wasted my youth for the money which I generally don’t need ,any life lesson on this will be highly appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

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Nothing is a waste; life is full of experiences, some good, some bad, some profitable and some not. We have to assume that whatever we do in life is learning, and if trading isn’t working out, we should maybe give a shot at something else.

But yeah, you need to act, inaction is like a slow death.


Health in wealth.

When people are young they find this stmt foolish. In fact this is the only truth

Invest in yourself