As far as i have Analyzed trading is driving a car . Ask you self while driving and car do you have think before applying breaks ? or changing gear ? or speed up when the road is empty and slow down when the road is full ? apply breaks when someone comes in between the road you have n number of permutation and combination but you reach your destination safely if you drive with confidence , experience , logic , map etc .and off course you need to have lots of fuel to reach your destination that you have place far the destination more fuel more risk in traveling near the destination less fuel required . when you relate that to trading So fuel = cash , Car = software( Zerodha PI ) , break and accelerator = buy and sell ,indicator = when to buy and sell etc WHICH ONLY COMES WITH CONSTANT PRACTICE same as perfection in driving only COMES WITH PRACTICE .
Thank you Faruq. Though your answer did not cover my question.