Is it true that our messages may be deleted by zerodha here?

Is it true that our messages here on TradningQnA may be selectively deleted by Zerodha? In that case what is the difference between Zerodha and other organisations? And, why are we still posting and using this forum ? Are there no alternative forum websites where we can post suggestions, feedbacks and views freely?
May be some IT guys reading this message can start a new forum website :slight_smile:

Yes, Admins have the Rights to Delete Anything which is Against this Community Platform.
Your Each and every Post, Comment & Messages are under Admin scanner.

Start your own group to reflect and support your views. None of us like to be told the truth after a hard day’s work.

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Hi @Neostar.

I have been part of several forums - both Indian and US- and can tell you from experience that TradingQnA is at the top of the list when it comes to getting quick and correct information and having honest discussions. Also, how many forums are out there where you can directly interact with the CEO of the company freely? I don’t know any, especially in the Indian context.

IMO, the admins of this forums have done a great job organizing and moderating the discussions and I hope this community attract more serious traders. Most of the other forums are plagued with marketers /spamsters and therefore serious traders don’t bother to be a part of that junk-fest.



No one is forcing you to use this forum.

Yes, there is going to be conflict of interest here , since Z owns this forum. So its very obvious you cant write anything bad about them.

There are other supposedly neutral forums like traderji,inditraders…etc.

Google is your friend.

on lighter side… i remember one dialogue from pirates of caribbean …
If no one survives who tells this tales.
If messages are deleted how you come to know they are deleted.

Books, manuscripts :grin:?

Most of us are neither Gajanis nor people with dementia yet :wink:

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Lord @Bhuvan, though shall not delete this or unlist it

:slight_smile: Only stuff that doesn’t comply with these guidelines. The forum has to stay true to its purpose.

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I fully agree and appreciate the spirit of the forum Admin.