Is There A Delay In Updating Latest Results Data In The Smallcase Stock Widget?

Hi all,

The Smallcase Stock Widget within the Marketwatch seems to suggest that the PE for Graphite India is 202. So it seems that even though results for the March 2018 quarter have been declared, the data has not been updated yet.

But this is not restricted to only the Smallcase Widget. It seems the annual data (consolidated, iinm) for the year 2018 is not updated immediately on any of the other financial websites like moneycontrol, morningstar etc. as well. The same websites do include the (standalone) data for the March 2018 quarter, however.

Does anyone know the reason for the delay & how much of a lag is usually the norm?

Thanks for your time.

Bump. Any inputs would be appreciated. Cheers.

PE numbers for Graphite India seems to have been corrected now, it shows up as 14.08x on

Different websites use different data sources. We at smallcase use Thomson Reuters, which is one of the most trusted data provider globally. Almost all data providers follow this approach - quarterly and annual numbers of large cap companies which are part of indices are updated first. Numbers of mid cap companies and small cap companies, which are not part of any index, are updated subsequently. During results season when multiple companies report their numbers on the same day, this might result in delay in updation of numbers if the company has smaller market cap and is not part of any index.

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Seems it’s best to allow about a week or so for data to be updated for small & mid cap companies then.

Thanks for your time. Much appreciated.