Received this SMS today, is this genuine SMS from Zerodha ?
Yes this is genuine. Zerodha does not send stock recommendations.
If you received one, I received for FUNNY SOFTWARE, it was a 100% fake recommendation sent using the Zerodha’s sender ID to make it look like it was from Zerodha.
Yep, this was in response to this fake SMS that has been doing the rounds. The SMS had deceptively used the handle 'ZERODA".
I’ve been receiving the same for a few days as well.
This lot dispatched on Tuesday has some name and telephone number on it :
I wonder what that telephone number is for ?
A kind of FUNNY feeling.
Looks like the whole family is out to scam investors.
Am just famished about ignoring these SMS.
From what ive been able to understand, these are all SHARKS/Stock Scammers, trying to lure investors (like me one year ago) into a bear trap.
Rewind one year: Got a SMS to buy QFSL ,Quest Financial Rg ,BOM: 539962 wen it was around 9 bucks a piece. Did 5000 quantity.
CMP = One Mentos / CenterFresh
If these 80%/90% accurate tips / inside news guys were making so much money wouldn’t they big somewhere on some page of Forbes India?
Never Ever do it mate.
The only sane and SURE way to earn in this Indian Market is Study, Paper trade and Control Emotions(a forgotten point).
Only recently seeing greens in the PnL after following the above…
Peace out!.. May you all become millionaires soon… Let the MOOLAH talk