Just dial insider trading game exposed

I never called u kuwein ka mendak!! So u accept u are one!!
And certainly those are valid words used in day to day life & those are not any abuses, not even slangs!

Seems like u r not comfortable with criticism!! Or someone telling u to defend somebody’s posts!

Whatever it is, your posts only reveal your child like egoistic behavior not wanting to accept anything which you have no idea about.

You got real offended by words like kuwein ka mendak!! It conveys a real meaning & truth is bitter so u are again to fight with me. :smile:

I certainly doubt if u have anything to do with trading.

Look who is telling that ! LMAO :smile: :joy: :rofl:

Dude seriously stop! @Tradingqna and other mod’s can you please put an end to this! This forum is one of the last and best refuges on the internet for illuminating conversations about the markets, this kind of pointless arguments run counter to the purpose of the forum.

I believe there is an option to close the conversation, can someone put an end to this, please.

@BharatW @Bhuvan

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@Bhuvan @nithin

Yes moderators should lock this thread. People are getting into endless arguments here. Original purpose has been destroyed.