I was analyzing the stock of Kama Holdings Ltd and I have the following questions:
- How is the stock?
- Is it worth investing for long term?
- And why is not listed on NSE?
- Why is it trading undervalued even in a bull run?
I would love to know your analysis.
so it’s a holding company which is controlled by bharat ram , which is owner of SRF limited basically it’s holding company which contains the shares of it’s public ltd companies and you know the fact , kama holdings was given to the old investors , it’s a demerged entity of SRF limited , it was not listed through IPO , it’s a good company , if you want to analyze then analyze it’s subsidiaries like SRF or many , you’ll get an idea about the whole group…
i am holding the similar stock like this which is KALYANI INVESTMENT COMPANY (Same story)
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Thanks. Any idea why is it not listed on NSE?
Ummm , it’s not listed in NSE may be they have some legal due diligence or any obligation or promoter might not interested
It can be listed by paying listing fees as far as I know
In holding company it doesn’t matter about the exchange , but i can say that it will groow in a long term for sure
Having not listed on NSE is a red flag for me since liquidity is higher there.
However, I would like to know on what fundamental parameters you believe the stock will grow? As far as I have checked none of their invested businesses have any moat (SRF may be an exception). Would love to know your thoughts.
Yeah not listing on NSE is a big red flag for me too. BSE is home to a lot of penny stocks in general and I just avoid it altogether
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please check historical data of the entire group exchange is just a medium to buy/sell securities that doesn’t matter as far as i know , BSE listed stocks may be risky but i don’t think we can consider it as a red flag , even big instituitions are taking intrests in BOMB stocks then we are just a retailers
my investing style is little bit aggressive…DYOA
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See , the company we are discussing is a holding company and that company holds shares of his group company and those companies are listed in NSE/BSE as well…I think you’re being too cautious in this matter , Liquidity is not the issue both are the exchange to buy sell securities…
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