Kite down or only for me

I am not able to get Bank Nifty details and watchlist tabs are disappeared .
@Arockiya_Raja @Meher_Smaran


It’s down, showing error code 504 and 503

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Yes it’s down. Marketlist not loading, cdsl auth too. Error code 504

CDSL also seems to be down separately. Affecting all brokers.

Up now but intermittent Issues are still there …

Hi @Ranjit_George @sandeep_cs @tallerballer

Sorry for this intermittent issue. If the scrip is not getting added at once, please try a couple of times. Do let us know if the issue persists even then. Meanwhile, team is fixing this

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script already added morning time (options) but is not loading . checking details in groww its working

hi @Meher_Smaran , watchlist is totally blank


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Same issue.

CDSL auth failing. Unable to sell at ATHs

@tallerballer Please use the “Skip” button during CDSL authorisation process to sell your shares

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Would it not be a delivery default if CDSL is not up by 5 or if I forget to do it?

Seems risky. I have been bitten by not being able to deliver shares I sold before. Cannot risk it again. But thanks for the help

its working now. thanks for the prompt response. fingers crossed it doesnt happen again, more importantly, tomorrow :smiley: