Kotak delivery sale credit?

I was going to open an account with Kotak securities since I see their CEO quiet proactive on Twitter and to avail the 0 brokerage charges. But someone told me that Kotak is not giving sale credit against sale of holding shares? Is that true?

Please ask the CEO you mentioned to reply for the mails sent to him. Being Active on SM is fine, but should proactively respond to Emails sent on his Official mail id. (Atleast the response, that mail is recieved)

In KS : there are following issues

  • one cannot convert MIS to delivery or Viceversa (online)
  • Even if you get margins by 3, such thing isn’t possible & if your positions go bad, you have to suffer loss by 3.20 pm
  • GTC order too isn’t present in Neo Platform

Someone had asked similar query, see the CEO’s reply - x.com

He is not CEO

Charges are high on Kotak for buy of securities… unless you are a serious trader, you lose more with their brokerage

UPDATE: Finally KS now allow order type conversion (MIS to Delivery) in Kotak Neo.

For Intraday they are the Best - Zero Brokerage.

For FnO, they are no different from Zerodha - as they too charge brokerage Rs 20 per order (irrespective of lot size).