Kotak securities down more than half day

Fno trds blocked for d day early n donno how ppl whose position stuck exit.

Der waz similar issue last week as well :face_with_thermometer:

It can happen to any broker but tough for traders

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yeah man this whole life has become yolo trade.

Only solution is to have 2-3 demat account with different brokers all linked to different bank accounts and trading capital divided equally in all accounts

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2 accts makes sense. but wen position is stuck wat can 1 do . jus hope for minimum damge

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Yes, hope for minimum damage, but prepare that damage could be more, technical problems :man_facepalming:

Tom exit poll event. I feel for ppl who r stuck. easy to get acct washed if done with any extra mrgin

But they know about the news. So they may have taken trades without margin or can predict the result, and want big profit, so they traded with margin :thinking:

for the money i have if i have 2-3 demat accounts, demat people will laugh at me.

Tell them that it is an experiment, and you are testing the features of their services, and once satisfied you will add xxxxxxxx funds :grin:

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i do that when i transfer to zerodha. When i transferred my money via neft to Zerodha the bank asked to provide reason/comment. I write testing transfer. I dont want bank people also to sit and laugh at me when drinking tea.

Tell them that you are a data scientist and you are creating an AI which will handle all of your financial transactions for you, as you want to take some time off from your schedule and want to visit Himalayas :mountain_snow:

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Looking at my transaction history they will know i am faking it. If i tell them they might either laugh or take me as a threat and report me to sebi or rbi for some laundry business.

No, you are testing their features, how their services will suit you. Until you have clarity, you will not transfer any funds. No funds means, you are not satisfied, and you are with some other broker :grin:

This happened on Thu or Fri too. They have a new trading platform (Neo) and I suppose are facing teething problems.

@ANKIT_T is right. Should have atleast 2 accounts - but it could still be tough because most active traders don’t leave too much margin unutilized.

Is margin a low hanging fruit and are traders hungry kids who once look at it try to grab it :apple:

Yes we need more margin. To the moon with more margins.

For stuck positions, use call and trade. Ask the executive to place a limit order along with target and sl. This is the maximum we can do to ensure minimum damage

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If lost, into the abyss, double the speed :chart_with_downwards_trend:

seeing tweetz abt kotak down today as well. Almost 3-4 days of issues in last week. :scream::disappointed_relieved:

AMO, MIS and Cover orders have been disabled. Was communicated yesterday night.
KS have conveyed they have not been able to pinpoint the cause of yesterday’s outage and think it has got to do with infra deficiency (which they say has now been augmented).