Latest Grey Market Premium (GMP) for Vishal Mega Mart IPO

Vishal mega mart IPO GMP

GMP for Vishal is on a continous uptrend n expected opening price is around the Rs. 100 mark based on the GMP …Issue price is 78 n Grey market premium currently is 21 rs

GMP Date GMP Estimated Listing Price
13th December ₹12 ₹90 (15.38%)
12th December ₹16 ₹94 (20.51%)
11th December ₹21 ₹99 (26.92%)
10th December ₹19 ₹97 (24.36%)
9th December ₹25 ₹103 (32.05%)
8th December ₹23 ₹101 (29.49%)
7th December ₹19 ₹97 (24.36%)
6th December ₹16.75 ₹94.75 (21.47%)

GMP range for Vishal mega mart

GMP’s range in the last week is between the low of 94.75 and high of 103. It is currently trading at 99 rs

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Vishal mega mart listed at its GMP peak levels ~ near 104, 33% listing gains