Link to excel not working?

Dear all,

Today, I tried to open LINK to EXCEL in PI…It opens the excel file…which contains no live data and only NA all over.

Will you please help me in this.

Am I doing anything wrong???

Select all columns and try formatting all cells to numbers.

Also Pi to excel function works well with Office 2007 package.

I faced same problem. Open both pi and excel as administrator. Wait sometime and double click on each symbol in pi Market watch.Then only data will reflect in excel.


Instead of using the default sheet created by Pi while link to Excel, you can use a permanent excel sheet, where you just simply add the Exch and Trade Symbol.

You can try this

Pi RTD works only in Excel 32 bit and version 2007 or later.
You need to add required symbols first in the Pi Market Watch to get RTD in Excel.

it was working for me till yesterday, do updating pi stop feeding quotes ?
anyone here who getting live data to excel ?

If it was working earlier and then stopped working, you should do a system restore to the day it was working.
I faced the same problem. It was working a day before and then stopped. I Simply did a system restore and it worked.


While using this RTD, Amibroker data gets frequent corruptions. Any remedy suggested ???

i get the same issue when i export a marketwatch from pi to excel.
im using excel 2010
the spreadsheet does not show the scrip name nor the values. It just shows N/A
tried running pi and excel as administrator. No Go

check this tread and let me know whether it works for you or not

Hi Ganesh
I tried your trick regarding excel error but i am still getting same error N/A please suggest
Thanks in advance

I am facing the same issue as mentioned by “@alistairferns”. Tried run as admin, copy the dll, no luck. I am using Excel 2011 in Windows 10. Please assist.

Steps to follow…
1).Click “Link to Excel” in Fyers application.
2).Press Ctrl+V in Excel.
3).Wait for sometime…Now You will see real time data updating…
4).Now save the file as “Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook” with workbook name of your choice.

Now the Important point to Note:

5).Type “Excel” at Windows Start button and look for your excel application.
6).Right click and select open file location.
7).Now right click on excel and go to properties.
8).Then go to compatibility and then click on “Change settings for all users”.
9).Now “check” run this program as an administrator.
10).Click on “OK” and Close.

Now whenever you open the file you will never face any problem.If you see any problem then repeat steps 5-10 once again…

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I just click run excel as admin and choose fyers excel file. It works too.

But your steps looks more legit!