Live Advance Decline Chart (NSE)

Hi All,

Just wanted to share that we (VRD Nation) have built a page to track Advances and Declines in the live market. It is absolutely free to use and there is no sign up required.

Here’s the link to the page:

And here’s a video that explains how it works:

Your suggestions to improve this page are welcome.



The chart in the above video appears to be for a day when the market-sentiment was in one direction.
(in this day the direction was down throughout the day, although stabilized for some time in the middle)

What % of days are NOT like this, though?
i.e. how often does one see market-sentiment switching in a single day

  • initially going down but later rises
  • initially rising, but later falls

Basically, the observation that
one could have predicted a fall in the NIFTY index
by looking at the falling market sentiment in the advances-declines chart,
even though the same is NOT obvious initially in the price chart,

The above proposal relies on the market sentiment not changing in the day, right?
i.e. the current trend of increasing declines (and reducing advances) continues for the rest of the day.
Any stats on how often is this true? (eg. >90% of the days?)

(…or did i misunderstand how best to use this tool?)

Hey @cvs ,

I don’t have these stats but I can tell you with confidence that no technical indicator can single handedly predict the market’s direction in the long run.

It is our (trader’s) job to identify the parameters we consider important (e.g. put call ratio, FII data, open interest etc.) and based on them decide whether the risk reward and probability are in favour of taking a trade.

Adv decline is just one such tool. So, if I were you, I would use it as something to keep an eye on instead of the main reason to take a trade.

Hope it makes sense.

This is great, thank you for sharing! I’ve been looking for something that charts this. Its going straight to bookmarks and my open browser tabs.

One suggestion though, in addition to the separate Adv/Dec lines, could you please add a composite line which charts Advances - (minus) Declines?

Yes, we intend to show one line as well. But, instead of Adv minu Dec, it will be advance/decline ratio, which is a more commonly used KPI.

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either is fine, thank you!

This is great. was looking for a free resource like this without the need to create a login and importantly without the need to share a mobile number :wink: . thanks for creating and sharing. hope you keep it free and open like this.
Edit: Could you possibly make historical charts also available on this link? thanks in advance!

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Yes, historical charts are also coming (although on a different, yet free platform)