I have been using Long Straddle Strategy for less than a month.its very good for me .i know some basics about the Strategy. I would like to know more about this Strategy from Traders personal experience. Anyone, here using or used Straddle Strategy.
Conditions to execute this Strategy.
1)Cost of Transaction, like 1 lot contains 1 buy call and 1 buy put.(consider Risk to reward Ratio)
2)Implied Voltality (IV value).
Previously, i buy 1 Straddle. Now,i am buying 2 straddle.
Around 30 to 50 k capital is needed for me.Recently,i started making profits.i make 2k to 3k for 2 Straddle which is 5% to 10% Returns for 1 or 2 days.
Its sounds too good to be True.
Can Anyone relate to this Strategy,