Margin certainity on CNC

Sir I have some questions like

  1. While changing from MIS to CNC how much margin is required if that particular share is not in margin list provided by zerodha i.e. I have to buy it as its cost.
    2)What happen if I buy a share on CNC and sale it after 3:20 i.e it counts MIS or CNC

But sir some are without leverage like GTOFFSHORE so if we buy them on MIS and change it to CNC then how much margin should be required.
Even after selling it at 3:25.

  1. When you are converting a position from MIS to CNC, you need to have the full margins present in your account. This applies to all segments. Zerodha provides margins only for intraday.
  2. If you are buying stocks using CNC and selling it the same day, it counts as intraday.