Markets open on Feb 1st

It is not a good idea to open markets on Feb 1st just because it is the budget day. I disagree with the view given in social media etc. Feb 1 falling on a Saturday would be an opportunity to leisurely follow the budget speech but now it is not so even though it is Saturday.


Lol who asked you to trade? I’m a trader but I won’t be trading on budget day.

Also keeping the market open is not a new idea. Happened in 2020 also when budget was on Saturday.


It is not about a good idea or a bad one. It is not necessary. The media channels on budget have a widget showing the markets which I am of the humble opinion is not in good taste. The budget is for whole of India and not the stock markets. Please use proper words and not like “Lol”.


Market being open doesn’t affect the remaining parts of India or it’s people in any way. Anyone who wishes that market was closed can just ignore it and pretend that it’s closed. Market will again open on Monday and you can pretend that it’s open normally and trade that day.

Budget affects the economy and the companies. There is no harm in markets being open and participants being able to react to it in real time.
They will react one way or the other. If not on budget day then on Monday. React they will. Why not on budget day then.

I wish there was anything humble here. You don’t seem to get the concept of ignoring stuff that doesn’t affect you. You want to market to be closed because acc to you it’s not “necessary.”

There was a meme I saw, where an old man in a park is getting angry at two women saying “I don’t think people should eat ice cream on Mondays”. The women reply, “yes old man, if you think so then you don’t eat it on Monday. We will eat whenever we feel like.”

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yes. Thats good. Will go for intraday. what do you suggest

I haven’t heard anything from Exchange or Zerodha regarding this.

Can you confirm market is open or not on budget day ?

Kindly check here.

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Abid CEO Sensibull admits that the compulsion of having trades is not understood. He is very frank and true.Please listen to his vidoes. He says if it goes against corporates market will fall and if it favours corporates it could bounce up to 23800. No other broker is as open and true about views on stock markets. I am just posting this video on budget day analysis.

I’m not trading budget day. But I don’t have any problem that market is open. Those who want to trade can do it. Those who don’t want can simply ignore it.

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One of the reason to open market on budget day is not to have big gap up or down on next trading day and to give opportunity to participants to act on policy changes, said that yes volatility will be super high and it is best to avoid doing intraday trades as there can’t be good enough stop loss.