May I know Why this happened

The whole purpose of Investment on 1st of Dec was to get the NAV of that day. To get the benefit of rally after election results.

This is really not expected. :triumph::frowning:


Sorry about this, Akaksh, this was a mess up from the banks :frowning:

@Neelesh we’ve put in checks?

Yep, we already have the relevant checks in place and we have even escalated this to NPCI from our end so that this issue is resolved on the industry level, we will post an update on this soon.

Hi @Bhuvan, I am really not able to understand the cause of delay. It very much visible on all sips.

Can you please tell me the timeline :pray:. In case if plan a lumsum on market correction, I should be aware that I won’t get the NAV of that day

Hi @akashtripathi, for SIP linked to a NACH, the mandate debit instruction is triggered on the T-2 day, and the units are allotted on the T+1 day. The T-2 day was Thursday, 28th Dec, and the SIP order was due to be triggered on the 30th. Here, the 30th was a Saturday, so the order was processed on the 1st, and the units for this SIP shall be allotted to you by today’s EOD. There is no issue with this mandate debit or any delay.

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There is no way to understand these calculation on orders page. Will request and appreciate if this information can be provided on UI and isn’t a big task.

Yeah, we are working on this, we will be more transparent soon.