
Changing the title of the topic from “MOTIVATION & THOUGHTS for Financial Market Participants” to “MOTIVATION, THOUGHTs & WARNINGs for GREATER GOOD”.
Be safe, help others to stay safe. :pray:
Let’s invoke PEACE. :heart:

Follow these basic rules when trading:

  1. Keep Learning on A Daily Basis:
    The markets are changing every single day and the strategies that you may have used 5 years ago might not work now. You need to continue to educate yourself on a daily basis.

  2. Don’t Let Losses Compound:
    As per your trading plan you should know when and where you should cut your losses. Whether it’s a technical failure or percentage move doesn’t matter as long as you have something in place to mitigate risk.

  3. Master One Strategy At A Time:
    Never jump from one trading style to another. Master one style and strategy first rather than becoming average at several. Focus and work hard to completely understand every angle, abnormality, risk, reward of say Credit Spreads and then move on to Iron Condors.

Don’t be a jack of all trades, when it comes to options trading until you have experience.

Views/Opinions are personal

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Henry Ford quote about thinking

Debt is like a leech. It can suck the life out of your finances if left unchecked!

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This festive season, there will be a million reasons to swipe your credit card, but only one reason not to → financial discipline

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Just like a good wardrobe, a well-balanced investment portfolio should have a little something for every season!

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Consider asset allocation as your investment portfolio’s music equalizer. Fine-tune the portfolio risk & return by adjusting the asset class balance and create a portfolio that suits your goals!


For an investor, the difference between a good night’s sleep and anxiety is sensible asset allocation!

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Think of your investment portfolio as a car climbing a mountain on a zigzag road. As long as you navigate the twists and turns with discipline, it will keep moving upward toward reaching your financial goals!

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The deeper you study investing concepts like technical and fundamental analysis, the more you understand investor behavior and how it shapes market trends

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Note to self: Markets will always be unpredictable. Understanding this and following a process will determine your investing success in the long run!

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The great soul, Charlie Munger left his body at a hospital in Santa Barbara, California, on November 28, 2023, at the age of 99. His work will continue to live throughout history.

He said, “In my whole life, I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who didn’t read all the time - - none, zero.” He also said, “There is no better teacher than history in determining the future. There are answers worth billions of dollars in 30$ history book.
Yes, we should read his life-history also.