MTF Expected Launch

Hello! I wanted to know if Zerodha plans to offer MTF and if the answer is affirmative, would it be in the first half or second half of 2024?

I ask this because I’m in the process of reshuffling my portfolio and it is a big one which is why I need to plan ahead.


Can anybody please help me out with my MTF query? @nithin @VenuMadhav

It has been on our KRA for this FY. If not a full fledge release, atleast on a pilot basis.


@VenuMadhav Appreciate your reply. For this FY, you mean, FY24 right? I will be moving a large chunk of my portfolio from elsewhere to Zerodha, which is why I’m planning ahead.

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Yes, something before 31-Mar-2024 :crossed_fingers:


Hello @VenuMadhav Hope you’re doing great. Just wanted to check if everything is heading in the right direction at Zerodha w.r.t. MTF?

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Yes sir, but we will not be rolling this out to the masses. We will selectively have it enabled and tested by a handful of clients before announcing it publicly. Will announce here closer to when we’re ready to test.


Cool sir. Appreciate your time taken out to respond. As soon as I see a public release, I’m moving a sizeable chunk to Zerodha. :slight_smile: I’ll be waiting…


Hello @VenuMadhav , Any update on MTF? Looking forward to the facility. Could not have much of portfolio on Zerodha due to lack of MTF

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Same here. As a long term investor, I also tend to take swing trades, and this strategy has yielded well for me for the past several years.

Fyers is also launching its own MTF and I think they have an added advantage, their TV platform is better and they let you pledge any MF units and trade on the margin.

Dhan already has MTF which is live and is a great product. I think Zerodha has gone from leading to lagging.

They will have to catch up by a huge margin.

@VenuMadhav Sir, I’m on standby. :grin:

Bumping up this topic just in case it got missed.

@Arockiya_Raja Hi. Hope you are doing well. Any updates on MTF? I believe, an announcement is on the cards before 31 March 2024?

We are actively working on this with a high priority. Likely to be ready for release in April month.

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Don’t worry, this is being worked upon actively. We should be in internal beta in the coming week after which we will announce it to a few select clients. Unlike other brokers, our backoffice is in-house, so as a team, we’ve to go through the whole learning curve and then build it ourselves, and hence the extra time. Sincerely apologize for the delay, but as I said earlier, this is a priority project for us.


@VenuMadhav @Arockiya_Raja


Please do keep me in loop about the launch.


@Arockiya_Raja @VenuMadhav Eagerly waiting for the launch.

Waiting for an update on MTF.

Hi @VenuMadhav @Arockiya_Raja Hope you’re doing well and keeping hydrated this summer.

I’ll be deploying my portfolio starting Monday on Zerodha, and as a swing trader MTF is crucial for me.

I’d really appreciate if you consider putting me on the beta list of your MTF, and keeping the community updated on the new launch timelines.

While I understand that MTF is a new product for you too and requires thorough testing, please do not delay it any further than it needs to. Hope you understand that for the MTF traders, very few brokerages provide both good platform and MTF rates, and I believe Zerodha will address both for my needs.

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