Muhurat Trading Session - Samvat 2081 (November 1, 2024)

The Diwali Muhurat trading session this year will be held on Friday, November 1, 2024, from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Keeping with our tradition of over the last 14 years, brokerage charges for all trades during the Muhurat trading session will be reversed. Zero brokerage on all Intraday, F&O, and commodity trades.

What is Muhurat trading?

A Muhurat trading session is held every year by the exchanges on Diwali, during Lakshmi Puja.

Before electronic trading, trading took place in designated trading halls of stock exchanges, accessible only to stockbrokers and their registered assistants. Investors would place orders through brokers, who would then execute the trades in the hall.

On Muhurat trading day, the usual restrictions were relaxed, allowing brokersā€™ clients, friends, and family to witness open-outcry trading in person.

Buying stocks during Muhurat trading is considered auspicious and is believed to bring good fortune for the year ahead.

What are the market timings for the Muhurat trading session?

This year the Muhurat trading session will be conducted on Friday, November 1, 2024.

Market Schedule Start Time End Time
Pre Open * 5:45 PM 6:00 PM
Normal Trading 6:00 PM 7:00 PM
Closing Session 7:10 PM 7:20 PM
Equity F&O, Currency, and MCX 6:00 PM 7:00 PM

*Random closure in the last one minute


@ShubhS9, to confirm, the closing price will be the weighted average of the last 30 minutes this time as well? That is, the time from 6:30 to 7 pm?

And this needs correctionā€¦


My bad. I have made the changes. Thanks for pointing out.

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@ShubhS9 Will the equity or debt MFs lumpsum or SIP orders go through tomorrow?

You can place orders to purchase mutual funds but these will be processed only on next working day (Monday).