Yes, it asks for biometric authentication each day, but only once.
However, I believe most (if not all) banking and financial apps require biometric authentication every time you open the app, which I think is a good security practice.
Thats why I am interested in two things now. First, what the regulations says exactly. Will be an interesting read. Looking forward for it once we have it from Siva or Google. Secondly, how other brokers other than Zerodha interpret the same regulations as it is currently let’s say with Groww or Dhan as they allow multi device login though Apps.
These won’t be public, these are between broker and exchanges, while getting approval of any platform we have to show them this check and only after that we will be approved.
This is the check box.
Thanks a lot Siva. And as always similar to any laws of this land it’s very vague and open to interpret. It never specifies about multiple devices, mobile or tab or PC. If I want to interpret"Multiple simultaneously login sessions are not allowed" this even covers present Zerodha way of allowing both Web and App login as not compliant. So, it’s really upto broker to broker how they see it. I see it the way of not allowing multiple login for same device be it App or Web. Only Either web or App per device.
As I doubted, this is interesting guideline and open for everyone to interpret their own way. Probably drafted pre mobile revolution era. Regulators probably need not felt to adress this grey area, and probably will not in near future.
I strongly feel 1 Web, 1 Mobile and 1 Tablet login should be allowed as times have evolved/changed from the earlier days… Multi monitor setup solves the issue but not everyone has enough space permitting it etc etc
you can login on kite web, kite app (android) and kite app (ios) at same time.
No, it doesn’t work. Tried and tested already with iOS and Android kite app before posting here. Only 1 Kite App login and 1 Web login allowed irrespective of device or OS
I haven’t used it recently so I m not so sure. but it was working a year ago.
You dont’t get logout from android if your account is logged into iOS.
We dont enable app login on IOS and Android at the same time. Again for being compliant with regulations,
I’d suggest the regulators to disallow even 2 device logins. Just a login via web. What if the mobile gets stolen?
For extra security, OTPs to place orders and Aadhar Card Biometric Verification every morning for the first login.
Ask for a Life certificate every week to keep the trading account active and running for the next week.
A good security proposal. Hope the esteemed learned regulators consider this.
if you look at the regulations posted above by Siva it’s exactly what you say. The regulations Siva posted probably from pre mobile revolution era (No app that time only Web). So, in a way Zerodha is also not complying to regulations as it allows simultaneously login both 1 Web session and 1 App Session as the regulations says “Multiple simultaneously login sessions are not allowed”.Even 1App and 1web session is also can be considered as simultaneous session. So, now may be we should be waiting for your proposal to be implemented now as you got it right. hahaha.