Mutual Funds, Dividends vs other options

How do i pick the best Mutual fund from these many options?
For funds which dont offer dividend, is it good to choose the policy which offers maximum 1 year CAGR & Absolute profit?

How to go about the policies which offer dividends? Some offer dividends above 100% but others have fortnightly option which offer approx 1% return, which is a bettter choice? How do i calculate annual return for fortnightly dividends?

Is SIP necessary for MFs? What if i pay only 1 year for a policy which is longer?
What if i pay just month and leave it for longer?

For all your queries related to MF Dividends, I’d recommend you read this article on Everything you need to know about MF Dividends& Dividend Plans. It has relevant & recent info from 2019.

I’d suggest to start investing with passive mutual funds or ETFs that are low-cost. Hope this helps, happy investing! :slight_smile: