Need help in creating a streak strategy to buy/sell when the stocks are down/up by certain percentage

Hello @Streak

I need your help in creating a strategy to buy 100 shares of a stock, say ITC, if its price is 10% lower than its low price for the year. Similarly, I’d like to set a condition to sell 100 shares of ITC when its price is 10% higher than its high price for the year. I want the system to automatically deduct the money from my Zerodha account balance when these conditions are met.

Alternatively, is it possible to set a mandate for these strategies so that they can be executed even if my Zerodha account does not have sufficient balance to meet the buying requirement?

Please note that I am a novice trader and do not trade in F&O (Futures & Options). I mostly buy and sell stocks for the long term, typically holding them for a few days or weeks, and sell when the prices go up or down. I rarely engage in intraday trading, but I would like you to create two separate strategies, one for long-term trading and another for intraday trading.

And, is this something which can be applied to Coin’s Funds like Flexi Cap or Midcap Funds… I mean Streak do work for Coin Investments too so that the fund units can be Purchased/Sold as per set strategy?

Additionally, I’d like to understand the risks involved in automating the buying and selling process for long-term strategies, as I’ve outlined above, and how I can improve my strategy for better results.


Hi @RiskAce

Please note that Streak does not provide automated order placement. We only provide one-click actionable notifications when your strategy conditions are met. If you click on the buy/sell notification, it’ll immediately place your order.

However, we have shared conditions as per your requirements based on our understanding. Refer the image below:

Note: The requirements related to setting a mandate and Coin funds cannot be implemented.

Disclaimer: Decision of taking a strategy or a scanner live and taking live trades may result in financial losses and Streak AI Technologies Pvt. Ltd will not be liable under any circumstances for any financial loss or gain resulting from using our platform.

To know more about terms of using our platform pls check the link and

For any further queries, you can write to [email protected] and the team shall assist you.

Thanks for your quick reply @Streak I appreciate the response!