Need Help to create a streak strategy

Dear sir help me create this strategy on streak '
5 min chart when Moving average touches 20 of Rsi9 i,e oversold we can go for ATM CE Buy. & Hold the trade upto it touches 80 i,e overbought
& Same time we can reverse the trade & can buy ATM PE & Hold till it touches 20 i,e oversold.
So kindly request you to make the algo on this concept.



Kindly note that Streak currently does not support Long-Short conditions in a single strategy. You can only go either Long or Short and hence you need to create two different strategies. One for Long and another for short to take both Long and Short trades.

I have created the strategy based on my understanding of your requirement. Click on the below link to access the Strategy-

The strategy will trigger an entry when the 20 period SMA of RSI 9 crosses below 20 and the exit will trigger when the 20 period SMA of 9 period RSI crosses above 80. The Stop loss (SL) and Target profit(TP) are randomly selected as high so that the levels are highly unlikely to be met and exit happens solely based on the exit conditions. You can change the SL/TP as desired. You can use Similar logic to create the PE buy conditions by simply reversing the Entry-exit conditions for the PE strategy. Then just deploy both strategies simultaneously to get an entry-exit in sequence as required.

The conditions will be checked on the Dynamically selected CE options chart itself as I have created the conditions without using the symbol function. If you want to check the conditions on the Underlying(Bank nifty) chart and take trades in the options contracts, then you can create the same conditions inside the symbol function. You can watch the below video from 55:26 minutes to 56:51 minutes to learn more about the symbol function and how it is used :

Dear sir
Thanks for the help but i have one more query lets say i want this algorithms to only run and backtest on let say Monday or any particular day how can we write codes for that . is their any video or blog discussing this . Please help it will be really helpful
@Streak @Kunal_Streak

Hi @Priyanka_Shah

Blockquote i want this algorithms to only run and backtest on let say Monday or any particular day

This can be implemented using python Algo.
Like … I want to trade options only on Thursday

You can use the Candle time indicator to create the conditions and only run the strategy on a Specific day of the week. Refer to the below link, I have added the conditions to only enter the Trades on Monday in the above strategy:

You can learn more about the Candle time indicator through the below link-

Dear sir is their any video to learn candle time indicator on streak

You can refer to the below video from the time 18:25 to learn how the Candle time function works-

Dear @Streak
Please help me create this strategy

> In 5 min chart when Moving average touches 20 of Rsi9 i,e oversold we can go for ATM CE Buy. & Hold the trade upto it touches 80 i,e overbought
> & Same time we can reverse the trade & can buy ATM PE & Hold till it touches 20 i,e oversold.
> So kindly request you to make the algo on this concept.

Please sir help me out @Kunal_Streak @SystematicChaos @Streak

I have created a strategy to enter when the 20-period moving average of 9-period RSI is lower than equal to 20 (touches 20) and the exit will trigger when the 20-period moving average of 9-period RSI is higher than equal to 80. The conditions are checked on the Nifty 50 index as I have used the symbol function to create the conditions. Click on the below link to access the strategy-

The SL and TP is randomly selected as high so that the exit happens solely based on exit conditions.

Also, Streak currently does not support Long-Short conditions in a single strategy. You can only go either Long or Short and hence you need to create two different strategies. One for Long and another for short to take both Long and Short trades. You can use the above logic to create the conditions for the PE strategy.

I want to make a strategy in which when a particular stock crosses above present day high then purchase it. How to make it

Please help

Hi @ashu1

You can refer to the below image to learn how to write the condition for your requirement:

The above conditions will take an entry if the close price of the candle crosses above the high of the present day. Hope this helps.

For further queries, write back to [email protected] and the team shall help you.

I want when running price crosses above present day high not close price
Secondly when i deployed above strategy it showed incomplete strategy.
Pl solve

@ashu1 Kindly note that Streak works on OHLC data and hence conditions related to running prices cannot be implemented.

Regarding the second query write back to [email protected] with the strategy link you have created and the team shall help you.

Refer below image to learn how to share the strategy link:


Hi @Sachin_Saxena

We regret to inform you that the condition shared above cannot be implemented in the Streak platform as the value of the SMA volume of the first candle cannot be fetched.

However, we have noted it as feedback.