New Feature on Sensibull. The One Stop Options Screener


We just released a screener which can be used to look at the the entire F&O universe at one glance.

It has heatmap, IVs, IV percentiles, Volume Spikes, OI buildups, PCR, Events and more. Please do check it out and let us know what you think.

Please mail your comments, suggestions, feedback and feature requests to [email protected]


Here is the demo video


@Sensibull Can you add the filter option to the headers? Also, can you add the Option Greeks here to filter out too?

Hey @saiography .

Thanks for the input.

  1. We will add filters on the headers here
  2. Did not understand the suggestion. What did you mean by filter by Greeks. There are no Options shown in this screen. It is only the underlyings.

@Sensibull I want to apply the screener on my watchlist only and not on the entire FnO universe. Can this be done ? If not, kindly add this feature on your screener.

Hey sorry we missed this. Could you explain this please?

Same. I think he means watch-list feature on option screener as well. Come on, nobody wants to trade MUTHOOTFIN, as there is serious liquidity issues for FNO in Indian market. I have my core positions in few underlyings and I rarely go out of my comfort universe to trade options. So I think it is much needed now

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I have a watchlist of 20 scrips. I want to apply the screener on this watchlist of 20 scrips. Thats all. I dont want to scroll through the entire 150 FnO scrips to look for my contracts.

Imagine sorting the scrips on the basis of IVP and see SUNTV at the top with the highest IVP. I mean come on, don’t insult our intelligence. :wink: