Nifty hourly data

Any site to download historical hourly ohlc data of nifty in excel format like nifty daily ohlc data in nse site ?

Down to the 1 min candle for both Nifty and BNF Intraday 1 Minute data: Free Download - Trading Tuitions

Disclaimer: I wont guarantee accuracy of this data. Validation is on you.

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Thanks Rajeesh , looks like data for amibroker, actually im looking for doing something manually , any other site to download in ourly ohlc datas in excel sheet ?

Dude, its a comma seperated text file, just import into excel and format to suit your need

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Downloaded 1 min datas to excel , also searching in same site ,excel spreadsheet tab , any download options for hourly also , Thanks .

I don’t think they have 1 hour aggregation, you’ll have to aggregate it yourself. Consider that as a cost of using free to use resources :smiley:. This data if you buy from an authorised vendor, will cost about 1500 for each years’ data. just that you are aware. If you are comfortable with databases you should load this into a DB and try to query as per your requirement of aggregation. Hope that hepls! Or else you can load into python and quickly aggregate as well.

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Yes , doing in that way selecting ohlc manually .

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