Nikhil’s Trading Terminal

@nithin does Nikhil use Bloomberg Terminal for tracking the markets?
Asking this because i’ve heard most UHNI’S use it…
like the MF houses and Hedge Funds of the world…
just curious…

Yep, he uses Bloomberg


Hi @nithin, first of all a big thankyou for existing and impacting lives of millions of people through great technology, products and overall ecosystem. I would like to know if zerodha is building any in house OMS, RMS and Back office systems. As I’m from the industry and I see dhan building their own OMS so I was just curious to know this - also how much zerodha is dependent on vendors

Yes, we are building inhouse OMS/RMS, believe we are close to implementing this.
We already have our own back office, console.

We can’t get rid on few things , third party vendors for ex leased lines, ISP, Data centers, AWS, payment gateways, depositories, phone lines and few other.