Nominee(s) (Update)

Most of the brokers including small brokers have online facility to update(add/remove) the nominee(s) online without any paper(offline) involvement. But Zerodha being so technical savvy still depends on offline(paper) based approach to add/remove the nominee(s). why so?

How hard it is to implement this feature to add/remove online that saves so much time, hassle and frustration and of course saving tons of paper and being environment friendly.

With a small team of developers, its like max few weeks to develop and roll-out this feature. Anyone know why Zerodha didn’t do it?

Note: I know Zerodha has the option to add it online first time, but I am specifically talking about updating the nominee(s) like (addition or removal of nominee(s))

Hi @Sai_Ac

We’re working on having this feature. Considering the fact that people do not change nominee details too often the priority is a little lower. Thanks for the feedback.

Thanks @Meher_Smaran. Eagerly awaiting for this feature to be added soon. Technically, its one of the easiest feature to add. May be, people are discouraged by offline process that why the volume is low now :slight_smile: . Once Zerodha adds the online feature, people could do it more often (as needed) because of ease of the operation.

Any way, hopefully it will be available soon. Thanks once again and appreciate your time!