NSE proposes 6 pm to 9 pm trading session

Those who are experts and do not need to sit whole time at the console once sat for long hours to learn. Only after they learnt they can afford to not sit all the time. This extended hours will help people learn faster by more hours. After that they can decided their time. What is wrong if mkt is open longer hours. You do not trade all the time anyway even now when you are an expert.

To learn the markets you do not need extended trading hours but extended study sessions. And ususally proper analysis takes place after the market closes not when it is on. Ofc there is some practical execution stuff which you will only learn during market hours but you certainly do not need extended market hours for that for sure. Those who once sat for long hours to learn were sitting after their job late at night not while the market was on. Learning while the market is making it’s usual movement is a recipe for disaster, that is why most good traders will recommend positional over intraday if you are a beginner. You do not need to trade all the time but people do have open positions and no matter how pro you get the fact that you have an open position means that you will need to pay attention ocassionaly. Does one really wanna spend extra 3 hours doing that. It’s gonna get exhausting. Most people have a target where they exit but sometimes price action says otherwise and they need to exit and to see that you will need to ocassionally look at charts. This extended hours helps only traders with algorithms with hard set rules (such edges that rely on pure numbers and rules don’t even last long tbh). I have never met a sucessfull trader who studies while the market is on, almost all of them start their analysis in the evening and do it till night

This is also why i prefer stocks > commodities > currency, because since equities close early i get ample time to study, not so much with commodities but it’s possible cause even if you don’t get time to study commodity at night ususally in the morning on an average there is not much movement so you can study then. Forex on the other hand is annoying cause it goes on all the time. Most traders give a lot of weightage to the close of any instrument and for that you need time. But atleast the reasoning for commodities and forex makes sense equities nah it makes zero sense just greed by nse.

Read another article that says the Extension of the time slot is for “hedging the risks” after office hours.

Currently, the sentiment change happens after office hours, that is the main reason we are seeing gap-up and gap-downs. Tell me which other major market does a gap-up/down so frequently.

If the administrators are worried about what will happen after office hours - then they should change the office hours. Change the market hours to match say the US market hours - if so needed. But keep the total to 6.15 to 6.30 hrs as it is.

Or just ignore what is happening outside and maintain the status quo.

6-9pm slot - If hedging is not the real reason, but an opportunity to make more money - then I have no comments.