If a BO has opted for CDSL’s EASIEST facility, can he transfer the shares through online mode to another BO registered with NSDL?
As it is given to understand that currently, CDSL offers seamless online transfer of shared between CDSL’s BOs. However, the steps for the online transfer of shares to an NSDL BO need clarity.
Can any member please explain the procedure to transfer online shares from CDSL BO to NSDL BO?
You need to apply for the digital token with e-token vendors, the cost and validity you can check with the vendors.
Once you get the digital token, you need to provide us the RA form(this we will share with you on the ticket once you confirm us) to map the digital token to the easiest login.
Please provide us the print screens of the certificate details along with the RA form, the details will be available to you in the
Internet Explorer → Tools → Internet Options → Content → Certificates → Select the certificate and click on ‘View’, and take the below-mentioned print screenshots.
General Tab
Details Tab - Serial Number
Details Tab – Subject Alternative Name
Details Tab – Subject
Once we receive the above documents the same will be verified and mapping token within 7 working days and the same will be communicated to you, then you can transfer using MyEasiest to NSDL A/c
If there are joint holders accounts, all the holders have to wet sign on the RA form and courier it to the HO.
I have started this process and after sending the etoken to zerodha, I got confirmation from zerodha and they asked me to login into cdsl esiest and modify the account to “account of choice” but its giving error that “its not authenticated yet and ask your DP” what to do now?
As far as my understanding goes and with my experience using CDSL easiest, any changes made in CDSL requires authentication from DP. DP authorises any request at EOD of the trading day.