Option Trading Strategy without adjustments

Here’s the option selling positional trading strategy which doesn’t require any adjustments at all. Just one trade every expiry, so on an average it triggers only 4 or 5 trades a month with high accuracy.

Market trends only 30% of the time, remaining 70% of the time it stays in range bound. This is the normal distribution chart of daily returns of the index, that clearly shows most number of times, the returns were between -0.3% to +0.3% which denotes market stays range bound mostly.

As an option seller, this is a statistical advantage one has, but usually what happens in 70% of the time option sellers make money, and end up losing all during the remaining 30% of the time those who don’t have proper risk management, when market trends big time.

Traders who lack risk management, blow up their account when market trends, and traders who have large capital, they keep pumping in more money and fire fight against the markets and try to adjust their option selling positions to control the loss.

Consider you have a bearish view on markets, so we have two options

  1. Buy Put option — (Option Buyer)
  2. Sell Call option- (Option Seller)

There are only three possible outcomes, market can

  1. Move up
  2. Move down
  3. Stay in sideways

When market moves up, both buyer and seller of options lose money, since their direction is wrong. When market moves down, both buyer of put option makes money and seller of call option makes money. But when market neither moves up nor moves down, the buyer of put option will lose money due to premium decay, where as seller of call option can make money.

Two out of three scenarios favors an option seller, where if one controls risk, he can make consistent returns. Let me explain an option selling strategy with defined risk

Short Straddle: (with Stop loss)

Bank Nifty:

Enter ATM short straddles two days before expiry at 9:30 AM (enter on Tuesdays) with weekly expiry and exit on 15:10 on expiry day. With 100% stop loss on premium paid, we keep such wide stop loss to give room to markets for more fluctuation against us.

It has given consistent profits over the last 2 years, with over all profits of more than 2.5 lacs with 61% winning accuracy. Even in the year like 2020, with such extreme volatility in markets, it ended up with more than 68000 Rs. profits so far and in the months like March/April 2020, it ended up in profits when markets tanked.

Out of 30 months, it has given negative returns only 5 times so far.

As you can see, on monthly basis, most of the time is has ended up in profits, even when loss occurred it is very minimal.

Nifty :

We tried applying the same strategy in Nifty as well, from the date weekly options is introduced in Nifty to till date.

It has given higher accuracy of almost 70% with over all profits of around Rs.2 lacs where not even one month was negative last year. Month on month it ended up in consistent profits. It even ended up in profits during the highly volatile month like March and April 2020.

I have used StockMock platform to test both the strategies, as i mentioned earlier, we really don’t need complex systems to make money in markets, keep it as always simple, it does wonders if one follows proper risk management. And you really don’t need any adjustments at all, if you have proper quantified Trading systems. The above data is the proof for that.

source : Option Trading Strategy without adjustments - Algo Trading in India |

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We can’t keep sl for positional trades do we

You can on Zerodha with help of GTT, you can learn more here

Hi , ih the image below the line -

We tried applying the same strategy in Nifty as well, from the date weekly options is introduced in Nifty to till date.

  • It shows nifty and banknifty as the strikes selected - may be it is a GUI error. just found it out ! Damn I am a software tester and my eyes are trained like that. My apologies man. Loving the website and loved this strategy as well !

Does GTT work in case of gap up/down situation? I think it doesn’t work but just want a confirmation.

In case the Trigger Price is breached during any day (which may be caused due to a gap up or gap down opening at market opening), an order shall be placed at the limit price selected by you and shall be cancelled at the end of such trading session; in case such limit price is not met during the day.

You can read about GTT in detail here.

Thank you @Navana_N

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