Options opstra chart

someone please help me understand this blue lines practical role. is it not going to green zone coz of brokerage eating all profit?

also 37082 is spot (on upper x axis). but what is 36209 in lower x axis?

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Blue like represents profit or loss you will be making for the day, this does not include charges.

This are underlying prices, you need to look at them in conjunction with the graph above. This tells you at that price point what will be your P&L.

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thanks for the detailed response @ShubhS9 . i want to understand how come it is showing zero profit? i believe left side total PNL is zero coz blue line reflects back from 0.

but clearly you will get all premium if BNF maintains 37000 with the shown position, and it is your profit, right?

Yes right.

Yes, if Bank Nifty expires around 37000, you will get to keep entire premium recieved.

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thank you @ShubhS9 .

blue line’s role here?

As I explained above, this represents your P&L for that trading day. This varies depending on underlying price movement, change in IV, days to expiry etc.

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@ShubhS9 , thanks for clarifying. do you know the calculation of the blue line?