Overall Investment Performance

That’s true. Real return is XIIR over the entire capital over long term.

Re-igniting this topic.
I have been a Zerodha customer since 2015 and i really miss this feature.

It will be really helpful if Zerodha can provide the performance reporting feature.

  1. Investors should be able to select any time period (say YTD/1M/3M/6M or between any start and end date ) and see the performance in the selected period (at overall portfolio level and individual position level …and if we want fun :slight_smile: , it can be also be at market segment level …say Banking/FMCG etc) .
    Along with these details - Initial/Final Market value, Investment/withdrawal; Realised/Unrealised P&L; Dividend received

There are systems available in the market (e.g. check ‘sharesight’) but will be a pain to manually maintain data there from Zerodha.

It won’t be easy for investors to do it on their own (above XIRR method won’t help) as it would require historical position details, price/valuation etc. and use of Money weighted return (MWR) calculation method. Having worked on similar IT systems (portfolio mgt), I know it won’t be a quick solution for Zerodha tech team also…But it would be a really valuable feature and I am sure Zerodha can do it.

Would love to hear what @nithin thinks about this feature.

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We are working on launching an equity curve feature. Hopefully in the next couple of months.

We are working on launching an equity curve on Console. Consider how MFs publish a daily NAV after considering pay-in/payout; we will have a daily NAV for every customer account. We will then plot the NAV curve for every user to know how they are performing, not just % returns but also comparing to benchmarks. Once this is launched, we will include that as an option for the user to publish it on verified P&L.

This is the only way to know the % returns, drawdowns, etc. Otherwise, even if you can access a ledger, manually calculating this is hard for anyone.

Quite interesting. Look forward to this new feature.
I am curious to know how dividend and interest payment on bond would be treated.

Ah yeah, this will be slightly complicated to handle. We may not do it in the V1.

Any update on this feature release date? @nithin

Beta in next couple of weeks.

Sir, you mentioned this in June. It’s almost December now. Please launch it.

Take a look at Dhan and how quickly they’ve progressed in the last year. They actively gather and implement user-demanded features, and it’s not as if their products are half-baked. They even have a separate options trading app with numerous features, and it’s not clunky but rather smooth.

I am sticking with Zerodha for the trust, ease of use, familiarity, etc. However, from an outsider’s perspective, it seems like Zerodha is falling behind, lacking urgency in implementing changes. In a fast-moving world, this is not good.

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Xirr was the first step and we have that in beta.

Equity curve ended up being a lot more complicated than we thought. It is almost like every customer being a mutual fund and then us doing fund accounting for each account. That is calculating NAV for every customer and a lot more. As a business gets larger, the ability to launch quickly drops significantly. The priority becomes to ensure that any product launched covers most edge cases and can scale. Businesses that are earlier in their journey can take larger risks.

So is this feature shelved? I was really looking forward to it. :face_holding_back_tears: :frowning_face:

It is not shelved, you have to give it some more time.

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I think IB has this feature in US

Another 4-5 months gone. What is going on guys. :confused:
I seriously doubt that nav curve is coming this year. Maybe in 2026

I’ve also resorted to Google Sheets to do this in a slightly different way creating two new colums to track the inflows and outflows just to see the their totals. Thanks anyways for this post Jason !

Though difficult with that scale, I could not believe Zerodha not able to launch the feature till now, may be at least in beta or may be with a note that use with caution :slight_smile: !


Dear Chandra,

It seems you have already raised the exact same concern I am having !
Pity that Zerodha still does not provide this basic report.

Any update on this?

Yeah, it is open for internal beta. Unfortunately, we had to complete a bunch of things (like switching databases to handle scale, etc.) before we could implement it.