Partial Qauntity Exit in Streak

It is great to see that streak has added the ability to customise the quantity of all stocks while deploying the strategy.

I want to know if there is a way to set a condition where my 60% of the total entered quantity is exited after, let’s say, the price goes 1% in our favour?


hello @Vishwa_Kalra

Kindly note that partially exiting a given trade is currently not supported in the Streak Platform.

However, as a workaround, you can create 2 same strategies by splitting the given quantity by 60% in strategy 1 and 40% in strategy 2. Now in Strategy 1, you can place a direct Target Profit TP of 1%, this will trigger an exit of strategy 1 with 60% of quantity when the price moves up by 1% as needed.

Hope this helps.