Pi sever time in excel?

i have variation between pi server time(title bar) and my system time, how to correct ?

i’m using link to excel, pi system time not available in that,

anybody have solution in this regarding

Ideally PC time and time zone should set or sync with IST (indian standard time) , the pi server time(title bar) is IST

If you are using windows 10 go to start and search “Date and Time settings” and set the Time Zone as (UTC+05:30 chennai, kolkata…) and also switch on set time automatically and set time zone automatically.

If you are using windows 7 or lower, left-click on the clock in the icon tray at the bottom right of your computer screen and Click on Change date and time settings… to get the time zone and change it to IST (UTC+05:30 chennai, kolkata…)
also go to internet time and sync automatically.

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i did that same but, one minute variation in that.

this one minute variation makes everything wrong so i need perfect time frame.

is possible to use internet time settings, server ?

which operating system you are using?

windows 10

if its extract one minute variation, we can do -1 in excel but here millisecond variation so not able match with that.

I didn’t get you exactly, please provide screenshot.

@AlgoGeek sir for me excel shows N.A. in all column and row
a month ago it was fine, any solution?


see the screen shot, compare excel time & pi time.

in excel, =now() function called and it showing my laptop windows 10 system time.
variation in millisecond difference.

reason: i’m going to use excel zerodha API through excel, time is not available. so above experiment going on…, already mailed to zerodha support, awaiting for their reply also

please refer link to excel, their is no time.

i need running time with data, im using in my macro.

retry it, on market time if not working, msg me

@poorna_chandar WORKING SINCE 2 DAYS SHOWS N.A.

MCX ? or NSE

Ooh you are asking about =now() time function in excel?
can you try below set to IST

yes, hh:MM:ss.000 (000 means milisecond), millisecond variation.

@poorna_chandar NSE

Are you checking in off market hours? or are you using 64 bit version of ms office?

pi link to excel requires 32 bit version of ms office

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@AlgoGeek its excel 2010 and 32 bit and i tried in market hours
it was working a month ago !!

running PI & excel as administrative also checked not working

place a timer (google)… sometimes excel not refresh itself, this timer refresh the cells.