I am using Pi , Can you code the below logic for pi
My amibroker afl code is
Sell=Cross(Signal(), MACD());
How do i use the code in Zerodha Pi
I am using Pi , Can you code the below logic for pi
My amibroker afl code is
Sell=Cross(Signal(), MACD());
How do i use the code in Zerodha Pi
crossover(MACD(26, 13, 9, EXPONENTIAL) ,MACDSIGNAL(26, 13, 9, EXPONENTIAL))
You can input the values for Long Cycle, Short Cycle, Signal Line and MA Type according to what you select in the Parameter window in Amibroker.
crossover(MACDSIGNAL(26, 13, 9, EXPONENTIAL),MACD(26, 13, 9, EXPONENTIAL))
. You can input the values for Long Cycle, Short Cycle, Signal Line and MA Type according to what you select in the Parameter window in Amibroker.