Please refer section 9.5 in this chapter -
Order Book
Whatever orders you place today (and only today, not previous days like yesterday etc) will be shown here in this order book.
Sometimes zerodha admin places order at 3:20 pm auto square off etc, those orders will also get displayed here.
Position Book
Position Book shows you what F&O and Equity positions you are currently holding. That is you have bought/sold the contract but not squared off yet. This will show positions of today and positions of previous carry forward days also. In case you forget at what price you have bought yesterday or something, you can refer this one. In Z5 it shows previous days data also (which are still open and not squared off). In NestWeb it shows only for current day.
T1 Holdings or Holdings
This shows whatever stock you have purchased under CNC code. In other words whatver Equity purchase you make to carryover for next day, those will be shown here.
Trade Book
This one is interesting. You may place a order for 1000 quantity. But that 1000 quanity is really purchased with number of transactions from different sellers. Say from Seller1=120, Seller2=200, Seller3=500, Seller4=180. Something like this. So here in this position book you can see all those 4 different transactions for a single order in your order book. You should understand that whatever you see in contract note is based on your trade book.
Points to note:
- Brokerage is charged as per your order book.
- Other charges are charged as per your trade book
- Tradebook will only contain completed or executed order. Order book will contain pending or canceled or rejected orders. Position book will contain only executed F&O/EQ positions.
- Order book will only show what stop losses you have set, for reference.
- Whatever quantity of Equity stocks available in your T1 Holdinngs/Holdings can only be sold using CNC code. If you exceed that qty, it will give error.