PNL should be shown as segregated for all the different trades on same instrument on app as opposed to aggregated.

Hi Everyone,
I have an issue with currently shown format for the intraday trades when i have baught and sold the same script multiple times. in app these are shown as aggregated and average.
this causes difficulty in monitoring my current trade PNL. because it will show avg buy and and avg sell of all the previous trades that i have taken. so if say i want to have a stoploss of 500 per trade, and previously i have made 4000 profit. and in current trade i am in loss of 400 , it will not show the loss as 400 , it will show the total profit of 3600 , even though those old trades are completed, their pnl gets clubbed with current trade. so if i want to monitor my current trade for 500 stoploss, i have to keep doing mental calculations of 4000 - 3600 = 400 so current trade loss is 400 or , i baught at x and current price is y so my current trade profit or loss is y-x into lot size, this poses a challenge also in case i am in profit. then also i have to do mental calculations to find what is current trade pnl.

this aggregated pnl also created psychological challenges like e.g. if i was in 4000 profit in previous trades, and the current trade loss 500 is causing it to show the 3500 then mind says we are in overall profit. while I should take SL in this new trade as per 500 SL and 1000 Target rule of my own.

Solution could be an option to choose for the positions view, seggregated or aggregated.
currently only aggregated pnl are shown. but kite should have an option to select seggregated view.
in segregated view, if i have taken previously 1 trades on say nifty 25000 call. and squared off. and then again entered, the previous trade got completed so its pnl should be shown as a different row, and a fresh row in the positions tab should show my current pnl.

What do you guys think.
Have you lost more money than intended due to this aggregated PNL , while scalping?

@ Kite team , please evaluate what i am saying and offer an option to view my PNL as segregated.



Checking this with team, @vijay_k1

Hi @vijay_k1

As your request makes sense and merits consideration, The team has discussed this internally. This idea is currently not possible due to constraints with existing OMS. We have added this to our wishlist. Thanks for your feedback.

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Any update on INHOUSE OMS?

It has been in works since at least a decade I think

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Most important stuff which should be delivered ASAP [and which is lacking right since they started] goes into their wishlist.

Good job Team Zerodha, one day you will make your users and shareholders proud :innocent: :rofl:

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That better solve Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry

Considering the time they took to develop😅