How will the MF holdings purchased on coin be presented to the user?
For instance, If I am investing towards multiple goals, can I create equivalent no. of SIPs (different amount, duration etc) of the same MF scheme for each of the financial goals that I have?
So, in such a case, when I check my portfolio, will I be able to view the current corpus (or current value) of each of the SIPs or will just get to see the total no. of units of the chosen MF scheme that have been bought via all my SIPs in a consolidated manner.
Is there a concept of MF folio in coin?
Can someone post a snapshot of the portfolio view offered on coin for the above scenario?
This gives me a fair idea. Please clarify if I understood the following points correctly.
So, if I were to have multiple SIPs for the same scheme, as long as they are active, I can track the current value of my investments against each SIP under the SIP & conditional tab. Did I get it right?
At the same time, the cumulative no. of units held for that MF scheme (bought across all my SIPs) will be shown in the Portfolio tab. Did I get this right?
So, as soon as my SIPs end, I will be left with just the cumulative value of my unit holdings in a given MF scheme without any split as to which SIPs contributed how much etc.
@BharatW For goal-based investors, this is very important. Allowing us to group our investments with goals & tenure. Also, providing us ways to track how those investments are performing against our goals/tenure is how you guys can help us reach our investment goals.
can allow me to group my MF investments into (logical) portfolios for specific purpose (Retirement, Child education etc), it will be fantastic.
It should also give me an idea of CAGR/XIRR of these portfolios and thus help me assess whether I can reach my investment goals on time (you should allow us to set tenure & goal for each portfolio and show me how I am progressing against my goal as graph).
Can you guys help us by providing such a portfolio view?