Price Band/Circuit rule confusion in YESBANK

Hi all
I read on this forum as well as NSE that fno scrips has dynamic price band from 10% in succession of 5%. I have observed this with many scrips being locked in upper circuit in sequence: 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%….

However, YESBANK @ 2020-03-16 doesn’t seem to have any band at all and it moves breathlessly till 45% mark. :frowning_face:

Have a look at 1m chart:

Can someone explain what happened !!?

In this case these locking for 15 mins for ever 5% change in FNO was not introduced at that time, introduced march end of 2020.

@siva are u sure about this ?
I do see several instances of same rule being followed before 2020 also ?
eg: IFCI @2017-12-21 (circuit seq: 10%, 15%, 20%)

And others like [ignore those Dates with single Band]:

Always circuit limits are there but 15 mins cooling period before limit is again relaxed for fno stocks is introduced post march 2020.

I am confused. then YESBANK should also had some circuit. With/without 15 min rule.
@ShubhS9 can u help ??

For FNO stocks there are no circuit limits, only circuit ranges which upon breach will be relaxed immediately if some criteria is met so any stock can move 30 to 40 % also in quick time. Post march 2020 SEBI introduced cooling period of 15 mins upon reaching circuit range.
Also wondering what exactly you want to know here? yesbank moved because the criteria is different that time.

I get ur point about circuit range. and also cooling off introduced after 2020.

Before that, there might not be cooling period but there would be some criteria and some price range.

By looking at chart of YESBANK it seems that there was NO price band at all. It moved >40% at a stretch. So, one can think there was no circuit filter at all. but then we find other examples pre-2020, when there was some kind of filter in case of large intraday movement.

It used to be like that only earlier, even I remember satyam moving around 40% with in minutes. I vaguely remember it used to be based on number of trades happening at that limit, not sure though, and circuits used to be released quickly but only post 2020 march there was a definitive cooling period of 15 mins along with number of trades criteria.

@siva Thanks Siva.