Prioritizing mental health for traders: Insights from Lissun

One of my favourite quotes which I often revisit when describing traders life in general:

“Everyone has a plan: until they get punched in the face” – Mike Tyson

And the punches that we face from market hit us differently than physical blows :grimacing:

As a trader, this is something most of us have gone through regularly and the impact that it has on our health both physical and especially mental is completely overlooked by most of us traders :frowning:

Needless to say, Trading is an extremely tough job.

As it is constantly dynamic, Trading involves lot of stress and to make things worse, it’s also a very lonely activity.

Since money is at stake, it evokes a mix of emotions and managing these emotions is an absolute must for our overall well-being

On the occasion of World Mental Health Day, Abid @Sensibull spoke to Dr. Preeti from Lissun app about all things mental health.

Here are some highlights from the video:

  • It’s important to sincerely draw a line between passion & addiction.

  • As a trader, it’s easy to fall into the trap of the need to know everything, every time. It affects people mentally.

  • Insomnia is a big problem with traders. Trading-time issues usually spill over to their personal lives & make things worse.

  • People often don’t realize that trading is more than financial knowledge. Very less people are ‘trained’ to be traders.

  • Self-reflection and journaling are important practices that traders must include in their routine.

  • It’s always a good idea to talk to people and share problems. Sharing the burden of trading losses makes it easier to deal with.

If you are a trader, this conversation is a must-watch as it covers all the pertinent points that a trader must be aware regarding his mental health: