"I am Parikshit and 22 years old. I started my stock market journey 3 years ago, and my progress chart is more consolidating than any other chart in the world. I am an options buyer and have utilised all the creative ideas I can think of. I started by learning indicators and soon realised within 1-2 months that they do not work. Then I learned about setups and understood that simply following setups made by someone else would not take me anywhere. I have developed more than 10 setups using different ideologies and understanding how other traders are trading, but I’m still not able to become a profitable trader.
I am a kind of breakeven trader, with nominal losses ranging from 10-15k in charges. I started with 1 lot and am now trading with 3 lots. When I started trading after forming a setup, I learned about option behaviour, which reduces the edge of setups in the market. I realised that to break even, I have to make at least a 10 percent profit. When I have 30 trades in a month with 50 percent accuracy and a 1:2 risk-reward ratio, the problem I face in executing setups is that sometimes the stop-loss (SL) is hit in options but not in the index (1-2 times a month at least), causing a 3-6% loss. If I do not take option SL, it damages more trades, and to maintain discipline, I believe it is important. Sometimes, I don’t get proper risk-reward due to momentum decay (at least 2-3 percent a month). There are also 2 percent charges. Sometimes, both option and index SLs are not hit, but due to going close to the SL (0.20-0.30 before SL is hit), Zerodha exits the position due to whatever reason (1 time in 2 months), causing a 1 percent loss. In any case, if we make a mistake in a month by putting the SL in the wrong place or executing the trade late or early, becoming profitable becomes a myth.
I have also learned in this journey of backtesting and executing setups that performed in 2021 will not perform the same in 2023 or 2024 because of volatility and momentum changes.I have tried multiple setups and found that the accuracy of many setups has reduced over time. They might perform when the same kind of volatility comes back. Backtests of 2-3 years are not relatable, I guess. One more thing I noticed is that setups perform on average from November to April, but I don’t know why none of the setups I formed perform from May to October.
I have never made money in the market, and after the phase has gone, I have learned how this moves, and I thought I was not at the right place at the right time, and this has consistently happened for the past 3 years. The only thing consistent in my journey is this.
So, my doubt is I don’t know where I am lagging. Do I have a problem in mindset, or maybe I don’t know how the market works? Now, I feel like leaving trading is the only option, but the time spent in the market never feels like a waste, and I guess I will never regret these 3 years. If anybody has a solution for me, then please help.I am also developing setups for swing trading in stocks. I am so demotivated that I’m not able to think of anything and just running away from the chart due to fear of failing again."