Psychology of Maintaining a big STASH


I believe making money as a retail trader is not that difficult, rather maintaining it is difficult.

Most of the people after doing losses for more than a couple of times they get what they are doing and why they are losing the game.

And they tend to wok on it and try to improve their entries and exits, some find a way and they execute it. *The story as of now is good BUT now they have use this strategy for 10 to 15 sessions in a setup and their setup does not come for next 5-7 consecutive trading sessions.


  1. More money to trade with :smiling_imp:
  2. Less experience to trade with more money (be advised the confirmation bais for the idea to crack the market has already cracked into your subconscious)

And when these 3 things combine i think people take big position sizes or they risk more money just because they have more money to trade with :person_shrugging: and they end up losing money.

In these times we should just watch the market, look on for new areas or opportunities and more importantly wait. ( TBH i have done this thing 2 time now and will never do it again, to play the net day you need :dollar:)

Learnt this the hard way. If you reading this please don’t blow your account & before place an order you must know where you will exit.

If you have made it till here, thank you ver much for you time and attention to on my post, if you want to talk about feel free to DM :pray: :people_hugging:


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Yeah trading large account is a whole different ball game.
Good luck.

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True story!

How many of traders have big money? And I think traders with such big money are matured in one way or the other.

Moreover these are subjective terms, they are not absolute. 1 crore to someone is not big, but for someone else it is a number for life.

That’s one thing I don’t agree with. If you are a good directional derivatives trader, these are the good times :stuck_out_tongue:

You mean going in the direction of the market, shorting, in derivatives?

Derivative traders can trade directional and nondirectional strategies.

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I don’t think we should just watch the market when there are enough opportunities to make profits. And you don’t really need a huge amount of money for that. But it is ok to take your time and observe until you feel ready to take up the challenge.