Most of us think independence is all about having the freedom to make our own choices without needing anyone else’s approval or support. Take finance, for example. Being financially independent means you’re no longer relying on a paycheck or someone else’s decisions. You have the power to control your financial future, make your own money moves, and live life on your own terms.
But independence goes beyond just money. It affects how you think, what you value, and even how you live day to day. It’s about creating a life where you can be yourself, without constantly worrying about what others think or feeling like you need to follow someone else’s path.
Do give this piece from Morgan Housel a read. It’s very insightful.
The article is a must read about parenting story…So true and personal as well…Its so hard to let go as a parent…I think I am doing right…in fact absolutely wrong…Just let them go and be independent…so easy to write here but so difficult to let go…
Ideas are dangerous. Especially to the one without any.
Unfortunately, this describes the majority of the folks in the world,
Also, any sizeable community grows-up into a reflection of the entire world,
i.e. ends-up with a similar distribution of folks in it.
i.e. the above is true for majority of the folks in a sizeable financial market,
…and the same is true for us folks here on
If you are reading this,
Maybe take a minute to think of all the folks you have interacted with on this forum.
Now think about how many of them would fall in the above category?
Can’t think of any? Maybe look at this user profile.
Update: Clicking on the above link will simply redirect the user to their own profile.
It’s an attempt to repurpose this popular quote and apply it in this context.
Clicking on that link simply leads the user to one’s own profile.
I had even added a emoji, hoping to get the point across.
But clearly that’s not sufficient.
Thanks for the prompt feedback. Updated the above post with a more explicit comment.
No, i haven’t.
Discourage someone from diving blindly into something they clearly don’t understand?
Yes, i whole-heartedly do.
Also, i have a low opinion of most folks, until they demonstrate otherwise.
In my experience that has better accuracy than doing the opposite,
Asking for and sharing Information?
No i don’t discourage.
But, hey if you noticed any such instances, sure please go ahead and share.
Happy to tweak my approach if i do that unintentionally.
However, please note…
Thank you for confirming. That is deliberate on my part.
I have a cynical attitude towards most commonly accepted opinons (masquerading as facts) that usually go unchallenged, and hence prefer indulging in honest criticism instead of being in one’s bubble.
I expect the same in return. and appreciate it when there is a well articulated counter-argument.
Not specifically. no,
There are others too. Quite a few.
But, yes, i do think very highly of myself.
@ST_Trading having cleared the air that noone called you out in this thread,
please feel free to elaborate upon the second post above with specific examples (if any).
Otherwise i will just chalk it as a reaction to being individually called out negatively on a public forum (which, i repeat, did not happen above. OK? ).
(OK. Unless a mod can move the 4th post onwards to a separate topic-thread,
this topic-thread is now officially hijacked.
Tighten your seat-belts, stay in your seats, and nobody gets hurt. )
What a coincidence, i was thinking of just this the other day.
Since, it is not a binary diagnosis, but modeled as a spectrum,
i suppose a lot of us do qualify with (extremely?) mild symptoms.
A closely related (but currently being a distinctly classified) disorder is ASPD.
Some of the ASPD traits do appear to be extremely desirable
(or atleast traits that are incentivized/rewarded in the modern society)
as long as one can control it / limit it to avoid the self-destructive patterns.
As long as folks with either of the disorders,
are surrounded with folks who genuinely welcome diversity (and not just for show).
and hence enable the neurodivergent ones to function/succeed,
i suppose everyone benefits from what they bring to the table.
Let’s keep the discussion focused on the main post. Feel free to share insights on how it relates to you, but avoid personal assumptions or off-topic discussions, as they may not be helpful.