Regarding Bonus issue

Hi guys!

I have a query regarding the upcoming bonus issues of the following 3 companies having 23 Sep 2015 as the Ex-Date:

Sr. No Stock Name Ex-Date Record Date
1 Divis Labs 23-Sep-15 RD 26/09/2015
2 Apcotex Ind. 23-Sep-15 RD 24/09/2015
3 Colgate 23-Sep-15 RD 24/09/2015

I want to know whether I will be eligible for bonus shares if I buy any of the above stocks on 22 Sep 2015 (or before) and sell on 23 Sep 2015 (selling of T1 holdings)?

When will the bonus shares be credited to my account? And will they be really credited as I have already sold my T1 holdings on 23 Sep 2015!

Are there any complication if we do this kind of trades?

Thanking in anticipation,



You need to be holding the shares in your demat on the record date for u to get dividend. Check this:

Thanks Nithin!