Regularize Quartely AMC

Hi Team,
Why can’t you deduct annual maintenance charges on last day of each quarter instead of irregular basis of each individual joining date?

You can deduct on 30-Jun, 30-Sep, 31-Dec & 31-Mar.
It will be easy for users and as well business to track.

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Even better, charge it upfront at the start of the year. When someone closes the account, then its a one-off trx to adjust pro-rata and refund.

Old a/c’s dont have amc, but there is 1 in the family that has annoying negative balance issue after every Quarterly settlement. Otherwise make provision to retain 75/- and then settle.

Multiple checks are done before deducting AMC, some of which depend on BSDA info from CDSL. Doing this computation only four times a year makes it difficult. But we’re making many changes on AMC to make it easy for users.

This is being done along with a few more options for user convenience.

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Sir, It is easy for us to debit yearly. Even if we are providing balance, the same has been retransmits to us on 7th. After some days, account is showing negative balance. Please make provision for AMC and transfer.