Reliance Capital is issuing RHFL shares in ratio 1:1 and the recoed date was 06th Sept 2017.
I had purchased the shares on 05th Sept 2017. And on 6th it was in T1. So am I eligible for the share issue?
To be eligible for RHFL shares, your RelCapital shares must be in present in your Demat account as of the record date which means that your shares will be entered in the books of the company with you as an eligible shareholder as of record date…
But in your case, since you purchased RelCapital shares on 5 Sep 2017 which is only a day before the record date of 6 Sep 2017, taking into account the T+2 rolling settlement cycle for clearing, these shares will reach your Demat account only on 7 Sep 2017. So you are not eligible for RHFL shares.
How is the cost to be distributed for demerged entities?
Check this
I want to know the ratio.
I also want to know ratio. I HOPE company will give ratio. lets see what happens
Check this post
I hope the ratio would be declared around 21 Sept when RHFL would be listed.
I already see that post of AB CAPITAL, BUT I want to know RHFL’S Ratio.
THANKS & Where you got this ?
On Rel Capital website under Scheme of arrangement. Strange thing, I did not find that few weeks ago when I was looking.