Request for Simplify Ledger Entries

Dear Zerodha,

can it possible to simplified Ledger Statement.

As its having multiple entries in ledger statement for Exposure margin and Span margin separatly with credit for day and again Debot for Open position with MTM Dr/Cr. So having 5 entry for open position. please have look statement 5 entries for open position.

Request you to please make more simple… it may have only MTM Dr/Cr entry. understood your view point is that SEBI Regulation for Margin Rules.

Can it be possible to that have Single MTM Dr/Cr Entery instead of Separate Margin Entry. Since you already send Contract Note for Open position from there Statement MTM Dr/Cr taken reference. as well you Everyday we also get Daily Margin Statement which also have margin block for Open position. So, there is no point to have separate entries in ledger.

being trader we only need to know what total amount is blocked for margin; not what amount kept separated whether Exposure Margin or Span Margin; we trust our broker. they will sticks to SEBI Rules.

Request you to please make it user friendly instead of creating complexity.

@TheGouda Can you check this.

@siva @TheGouda multiple entries about debit and credit for open position is being very irritating.

please make it simplified with single entry with allowing to click in entry to check all details about it.

Showing specific margins on the ledger gives the end user clarity and transparency.

There’s a way to view ldger without margin entries; we’re adding that on Console UI. It’ll take 2-3 weeks time.



hope so it will done…