RSI alerts for stocks and Index?

Any site where I can get RSI alerts on WhatsApp or Email for stocks and Index ?

I think sensibull can do this.

Not for RSI
only price alerts

HI @Maverick_Trader

you can use python library pywhatkit for sending WhatsApp notifications

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I dont know anything about Python
Isnt there somewhere I can pay and get alerts , like we used to get from Streak earlier ?

And my problem is not about alerts,
Streak sends alerts, but not for RSI

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I already mentioned in the below message.

The title says RSI, but you said ‘price’ in a message.
Which one do you want exactly ?
Price or RSI ?

Use chartink . Com for all screeners

Thank you very much
Chartink does have RSI alerts

Try You can set alerts that will be sent to your email or as a push notification in your mobile phone via their app.

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