Running scanner on current week options only

Is there in anyway to add condition in scanner to run only on current week options?

At present nifty weekly runs the scanner across all the weekly options which gives confused signals on far away weekly options. Kindly help

As of now, you can not select only the current weekly expiring options as input in the Scanner section. I have noted your requirement as feature feedback and sent it to the concerned team.

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Thank you.
@Kunal_Streak any possible workaround for now?
like adding condition checking delta or something?

Hey @TradingDude We have recently added two new pre-defined baskets for Options “Nifty Weekly Current” and “BankNifty Weekly Current”
These two baskets will just check the scanner conditions on the current week option contracts. Refer to the below Image.

Hope this helps :v: :v:

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Wow that’s wonderful. Thanks for listening to my request and act on it. Loads of love to streak team from me

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HI @Kunal_Streak

Could you also add scanner to scan only current week Option in the unlimited streak version please?

Hi @TradingDude

Kindly note that the basket “Nifty weekly” scans all the weekly options contracts (Current week, Next week, and the last week).

Basket only for current week options is not supported. We have taken note of your query and forwarded it to the concerned team for further consideration.

@Kunal_Streak bro,

Remember long long ago, as per my request you have added scanning in current week expiry only in pro version. It is still available in pro. (pls refer the old thread of this qna)

Can’t we replicate the same in unlimited version as well?

Hi @TradingDude Currently, scanning only on current week expiry options is not supported in the new Streak platform. We have noted your query as feedback and forwarded it to the concerned team for further consideration.